Upcoming Events

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Week 1 — January 28- March 2, 2024

Arts OB WE People

Winter Exhibit

Uncover the essential art techniques involved with historical art and take home your own piece of history.

Seasoning 101

Learn why seasoning food is an essential part of cooking.

Kneading Dough

Learn step-by-step how to properly knead dough for all types of baked goods.


How and What to Purée

What is a purée? We outline the different ways and best practices.


Week 2 — February 12 - 18, 2024

Pizza Making 101

Make dough from scratch and learn to be creative with your sauce and toppings.


Simple Seafood Techniques

Learn why seasoning food is an essential part of cooking.


Using Fresh Ingredients

Learn the essentials of cooking and baking, and how fresh ingredients make all the difference.


Adding Herbs & Spices

Experiment with building flavor, combining different herbs, adding spices, and more.


Week 3 — February 19 - 25, 2024

Cooking Vegan

Discover the ways in which you can substitute dairy and meat when cooking vegan.


Bread from Scratch

Learn how to make your own starter, feeding it and baking different types.


Pasta Level 3

Make your own lasagna noodles, gnocchi, gluten-free pasta, and more.


Perfecting Risotto

Learn how to build and develop flavor in this slow cooking delicacy at home.


Week 4—February 26 - March 3, 2024

Butchering Techniques

Observe the best techniques for butchering different cuts of meat and fish.


Cooking Beef

Learn all the fundamental seasoning and cooking techniques to perfect your next roast.

Overhead Cutting Roast Beef Cooked Medium Rare

Baking Pastries

Explore the detailed techniques to mixing, shaping, and baking Italian delicacies.


Ingredients from Scratch

An in-depth course on making your own butter, buttermilk, heavy cream, and more.
